All tests are available online!


Test grading:








Percentage of successful answers

0 - 49 %

50 - 59 %

60 - 69 %

70 - 79 %

80 - 89 %

90 - 100 %

Chapter tests points

0 - 4





9 - 10

Final exam points

0 – 24

25 - 29

30 - 34

35 - 39

40 – 44

45 - 50

Test rules

To be admitted to the final exam you need to complete a test in each of the chapters as follows:

  • You have 3 attempts for each test in the course (all of the chapter tests and the final exam). For each attempt, a new set of questions is generated and not repeated in the next attempt. Only the highest score from all three attempts of the single test is recorded. (e.g. if you fail during the first attempt of the chapter test, you still have 2 more to go)
  • You need to achieve at least 55 points (50 %) from all 11 chapters (maximum of 110 points, i.e. 11 chapters by 10 points).
  • You need to achieve 5 or more points in at least 8 chapters to be able to achieve the minimum amount of points required for being allowed to the final exam.

You need to pay an administrative fee of 75,00 EUR* for reopening the course when:

  • you receive an F grade in the 4th chapter after getting an F grade in 3 previous chapters (within 3 attempts in one chapter) - all results of the already completed chapter tests will be automatically deleted and an access to the other chapters will be blocked;
  • you get an F grade from 3 or fewer chapters but do not achieve the minimum of 55 points from all the chapters;
  • you receive an F grade from the final exam even on the third attempt (i.e. less than 25 points out of the maximum of 50 points), all results of the already completed tests will be deleted and the access to the entire course will be blocked, including the tests.


*excluding VAT. The fee incl. VAT will be displayed at the checkout, before placing an order.


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